Out of Office: [thegameoftheeternity] Re: Re: Real FPG Wang lost NT$47.4 billion

Thank you for contacting the League of Women Voters with your voting and Election Day questions. The following Web sites contain an array of useful information and resources and will likely help you find the answer to your question(s). Please copy and paste the following Web site into your browser. Register to Vote: http://www.lwv.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Register_To_Vote To register to vote please fill out the forms that are available in English and Spanish. Once you fill out this online form you must print it out and send it in your state's Secretary of State or Board of Elections office. You can find their contact information at http://www.lwv.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Dates_Deadlines_and_Contacts. Voter & Election Information: http://www.lwv.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Voter_Information Please find Voter and Election Information on national and state elections at the website above. This is a collection of election information, from important deadlines to how you can help others get registered to vote and the answers to a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). State & Local Leagues: http://www.lwv.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Find_a_Local_League Please find a list of state and local Leagues across the country at the above link. Turn to these Leagues for information on local elections and for opportunities for civic engagement in your community. Absentee Voting and Voting from Overseas: http://www.fvap.gov/ Federal Voting Assistance Program provides information on how to vote for U.S. citizens who are members of the Uniformed Services and their family members and for US citizens who live outside the United States. Research Resources: http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/ Center for American Women and Politics provides information on women in politics, voting patterns and more. http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/voting.html Census Bureau provides statistics and data on voting and registration patterns and trends. http://www.civicyouth.org/ Civic Youth provides information and research on the civic and political participation of young Americans. http://www.iandrinstitute.org/ Initiative & Referendum Institute provides information on the ballot initiative and referendum process. Government Resources: http://www.eac.gov/ Election Assistance Commission is a resource for information on the administration of Federal elections. http://www.fec.gov/ Federal Election Commission administers the regulations of campaign financing for federal elections. http://thomas.loc.gov/ Thomas provides information on the status of current and past legislation. If after reviewing these resources your question remains unanswered, please contact us again at voterinfo@lwv.org. Thank you. Elections Department League of Women Voters of the United States 1730 M Street, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202.429.1965 Fax:202.429.4343

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