Need Java Lead/Architect with Struts 2 Denver, CO 6 Months

Hi Folks,
Please send me resume only at

Job Title:           Java Lead/Architect

Location:          Denver, CO

Duration:          6 Months


Job Description:

·         Strong development and architecture aptitude and experience with modular web applications

·         Hands on experience with Struts 2 is must.

·         Hands-on experience with web application development, Java, JEE 6/7, Struts 2, HTML, Servlets, CSS, and JavaScript

·         Strong working knowledge of Java, including an understanding of Collections and Annotations

·         Experience with at least one MVC-based framework and familiarity with web services and relational databases

·         Experience with Spring, Eclipse, Oracle, Tomcat, and Hibernate preferred

Thanks & Regards
Ankur Chaudhary
GTalk-            ankuracetek9
YahooIM-     ankur_acetek

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