[MMIT Details on releasing your Abundance Checks - Full Moon next Monday!

Greetings Dear One, 

Full Moon 
Monday February 22, 2016
10:20 am PST

Find your time zone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
4 degree Virgo

The Sabian Symbol for this full moon is:  Black and White Children play together happily.  This full moon is about Brotherhood!  We are all ONE.

With full moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces you may feel a deep prompting to go deeper and LET GO!  These Mutable signs support you in going with the flow and letting go.

Next month we have the Eclipses coming! 
NOW and over the next two weeks is prime time to
RELEASE, Let Go into the depths of your being!

Breath... let go... Breath... let go.  Allow your breath to serve you in a new way.

I have created a simple Ritual working with the Elements to support you in letting go. Letting go of Anger, Resentment, Frustration and perhaps Rage!  With Mars in Scorpio, you may have been feeling more of these energies coming forth, asking to be acknowledged and released.

I offered the "raw" version of this Ritual last month as a bonus item to the 2016 Numerology Call.  It has been updated, enhanced and made into a nice PDF eBook.

Allow your heart to step into the magic of everyday life.
Be peace, be Love, be true to yourself, even if that means disappointing another.  BE in a space of Gratitude for all the wonder and magic that shows up in your life.  Ask for your inner self to see and believe in the magic that shows up for you! Sometimes in the busyness of day to day life we forget to watch and claim the magic that presents itself.

Release what is no longer serving you, write out a list or the OLD story, giving all the energy and emotion to the page in preparation of release.  Allowing yourself to be freed and to align and move into resonance with what it is you are wanting.  

This is the perfect time to focus on what needs to be released in order to lovingly care for yourself and open your heart center wider than ever before.  Ask your inner self for guidance on what you are truly ready to release to allow more love to fill your heart, body and mind.

Take time today to list out those old stories, thoughts, emotions or patterns and prepare to release them with the full moon energy tomorrow.  With the sun in Aquarius, be thinking from your higher mind, yet embracing your heart, find ways to nurture yourself and your goals.  Ask prompting questions of your inner self to support you in identifying what needs some attention, tender loving care and releasing. 

Full moons offer a time of integrating both of the signs energies, this month it's Virgo and Pisces. Both are "Mutable" energies - supporting you in allowing some ease and grace to assist you in releasing.  Push past the "yeah butts" and voices in your head or the shoulda, coulda, woulda's.  Take action in moving forward, baby steps work too! Move forward by embracing what is yours by Divine Right! Then, allow yourself to to just BE and simply LET GO.   Allow your mind and heart a rest.  Connect with nature, spend time bonding with Mother Earth.
 BE GRATEFUL - allow your heart to be filled!!!

"Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel
and kiss the ground."

This is a great time to express Gratitude for all that you have, all that your are and all that is coming your way! 

Collect any new moon checks you have from the last new moon or any new moons and prepare to let them go as noted

The Full Moon crests mid morning on the West Coast of the US (Seattle/Los Angeles) on Monday,  Release your new moon checks after  10:20 am PST on Monday February 22, 2016
Find your time zone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

The moon moves holds steady in Virgo until Wednesday February  24th when it moves void of course at 6:22 am PST  - until 2:41 pm PST the same day when the moon moves into
Find your time zone:

Release checks from Monday after 10:20 am PST until Wednesday before 6:22 am PST.   Or wait til Wednesday  after 2:41 pm PST.

Use the times listed to burn, tear up and flush down the toilet or shred to let go of the energy or any attachments you may have had to the outcome of what you were wanting.  If you have access to a bon fire, fabulous!  If not, you can use a candle, perhaps over the toilet so any ash is caught in the water. If burning is not an option, tear up the check with the intention you are fully giving this to the Universe, and flush.  Or simple shred the check. It's really about letting it go, getting out of the HOW and allowing the Universe to Handle the Details!  With this months Full moon in an Water sign, consider tearing up your check and flushing it down the toilet.

Find your time zone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

When we are so focused on what we want and are having perhaps a little stinking thinking, we can hink ourselves up on manifesting our hearts desires.

For instance, we want more money, yet we speak and feel all the ways we don't have it in our lives.  We may use phrases like "I can't afford it".   YEEPS  think about the energy of that statement!  It creates a level of resistance to money.  

My invitation is for you to move into a place of Gratitude for all the money you do have (even if it is the change in your pocket) or for any money that comes to you.  Even the penny you find on the ground, blessed and express Gratitude for it.

It's not your fault, this is what we many of us were taught growing up. (Stinking Thinking) There is so much energy around the "M" word.  Perhaps a new phrase could be, "not now", this has a completely different energy to it compared to I can't afford it.

The super fabulous news is... YOU are a POWERFUL creator!
You have the power to choose your thoughts! When you catch yourself thinking or saying something that is not in alignment with what you are wanting, CHANGE it...  RE-FRAME the statement in a way that is in alignment to what you are wanting or at the least, changing the foot print of the old and creating space and possibility for the NEW!

Much Love, Grace and Blessings

Journeys Into Wholeness

P.S.  I will send a reminder at the start time to release checks.  

P.S.S.  Ritual to Release -  Anger, Resentment, Frustration & Rage through the Element
Super low price until March 7, 2016
Only $14.95 until March 7, 2016. 
Value $49.95
Get it now before the price goes up.

DaKara Kies, Author, Master Energy Healer, 
Light Alchemist, Sacred Transformationist,
Certified Inspiration, Money & Relationship Coach.
Intuitive Reader, Feng Shui Consultant & Artist


* Void of Course moon is when the moon is between signs, in a void of energy, where the energy is still.
Dakara Kies Co, PO Box 4338, Everett, WA 98204, USA


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