[MMIT 21 Days of Gratitude ~
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What if you could live your life in gratitude for everything you have or don't have. What if you could wake up each morning, and instead of planning your day, your first thought would be "I'm feel so blessed and grateful for today – and every day." You can turn these 'what ifs' into an ongoing reality.
Obviously waking up happy and optimistic is preferable to any other mood. But beyond the theory that gratitude enhances your life, recent studies have also provided scientific evidence. One UC Davis researcher, Professor Robert Emmons, stated that his studies showed that people who practice grateful thinking "reap emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits."
Gratitude is choice that could become a life enhancing habit. It's been said it takes 21 days to create a habit. Here is your opportunity to embrace the concept and practice of gratitude, for three weeks that can extend for a lifetime. This journey includes 4 breath-taking videos and 18 audio tracks that will inspire you to see, feel, live life through the lens of Gratitude.
If you are looking for a way to live a healthier, happier life, we have the perfect vehicle for you – 21 Days of Gratitude, an absolutely FREE, totally unique meditation series. Join us today!
Louie Schwartzberg, who offers his dazzling videos as a backdrop to 21 Days of Gratitude, lives each day in gratitude. He often says, "Gratitude is a great exercise. It's a heart opener. It's an exercise we need, one we long for. We need heart openers."
If you have already registered, congratulations for taking the first step into a more grateful heart. You are on your way to enhancing your life as never before. And you are about to join hands around the world to make a dramatic global shift in consciousness. Gratitude can change the world!
If you haven't yet made the commitment, take a few minutes and Register Now! The journey begins…next week November 4, 2013.
In gratitude,
Mentors Channel
There Is Great Love For You!
Suzanne Kincaid
Author, Financial Freedom On $1 Dollar A Day
It is so wonderful, when someone gets an idea and is able to hold it purely enough that an entire movement or corporation will follow in behind it, because the movement of that Energy benefits everyone. ~ Abraham-Hicks
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