Greetings Dear One...
New Moon is TODAY!
It's my pleasure to bring you a monthly reminder to write your checks after the new moon crests.
November 3rd - 4:50 am PST
Solar Eclipse
11 degrees Scorpio
If you know a bit about Astrology, find 11 degrees of Scorpio your chart, focus your intention on that house in your chart.
(go here if you need help )
For instance 11 degrees of Scorpio is in my 4th house.
I will be setting my intentions on continuing the shifts in my home.
We have been moving some furniture from one room to another so that I could have my comfy chair in my office. Now I can dive deep in comfort to bring forth more of Divine Mothers healing and Wisdom!
Write out your new moon checks Sunday after 4:50 am PST.
The moon moves void of course Sunday evening at 8:23 PM PST.
So you have plenty of time to write our your checks. If you miss
this window of time, write your checks after 12:15 pm on
Monday November 4th when the moon moves into Sagittarius.
Normally Write your checks within 48 hours after the new
moon for maximum potency. Unless the moon is void of course.
When the moon is "void of course" it is in a holding pattern.
Waiting until the next sign gives your intention more power
and available energy for manifesting.
NEW!!! Sign your name to the back of your new
moon check! As if you are preparing it for deposit
to the Universal Bank of Manifesting!!!
This month the healing and meditation were quite powerful! Journey through the liquid fire of transformation, letting go of the old by allowing your energy to turn to ash and watch as you rise as the Phoenix out of the ashes into your full strength and glory!
Take flight as a the Phoenix and gather your treasures and gifts at the bottom of the Ocean.
What are you ready to Actualize in your life?
This was an amazing journey! Take advantage of this powerful Solar Eclipse and transform yourself!
When we add this element into the mix of writing our new
moon checks it adds additional power and magic!
Are you (or someone you love) ready to step in to your true passion and
purpose? If the answer is yes, HPT can clear that path easily! Let it be EASY! HPT does just that!
Please go here
Please feel free to share this page with your friends!
Happy Abundance Check manifesting!
P.S. Check out this no cost teleclass recording available on my website! "Are you ready to Relinquish Struggle in your life?" Go to receive this recording as my gift. This is a powerful class on
relinquishing the contract with struggle in your life!
DaKara Kies, HPT Master, Advanced HPT Certified (Heart Point Technique)Energy Healer & Inspiration Coach. Intuitive Reader, Feng Shui Consultant & Artist
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